If you're about to get braces to straighten your smile, you may be wondering how they work. Today our Surrey orthodontists explain a little about how braces help to straighten your teeth.
Understanding how your orthodontic treatment works can help you to get through your treatment without a hitch. So how do braces or in-ovation braces work to straighten teeth? Here's what happens during your braces treatment.
How do braces work?
The individual components of your cosmetic braces work to straighten your smile by applying pressure to your teeth over an extended period of time. This continuous pressure gradually moves your teeth into their correct positions. As your teeth move, the supporting jaw bone also changes shape as a result of the pressure applied.
What are the different parts of my braces?
Your braces are made up of a number of parts, all of which play a vital role in correcting your orthodontic issue. Here are the basic parts that make up most sets of braces:
- Each orthodontic bracket is a small square that is bonded to one of your teeth in order to hold your arch wire in place. Brackets can come in a variety of materials, and can be placed on either the fronts or backs of your teeth depending on which style of braces you have.
Orthodontic Bands
- Orthodontic bands are made of stainless steel, and function as anchors for the brackets. Your orthodontic bands may be only on your back teeth but could play a more significant role in your braces treatment.
Arch Wire
- Your arch wires are attached to your brackets and create the pressure that moves the teeth. These can be clear, tooth-coloured, or metal. Your orthodontist will change your arch wire at each adjustment appointment in order to apply just the right amount of pressure to your teeth.
Orthodontic Elastic Ties
- Orthodontic elastic ties are small rubber rings that fasten your arch wires to the brackets. Each time you visit your orthodontist for an adjustment you will be able to pick new colours for your elastics.
Elastic/Rubber Bands
- These elastics or rubber bands are much larger than the elastic ties and attach to hooks on the brackets. Elastic bands are used to apply pressure that will move your upper and lower teeth into their correct positions in relation to each other, helping to align your bite.