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Does Invisalign hurt?

Does Invisalign hurt?

Orthodontics can help treat various conditions impacting the alignment of teeth. However, many patients wonder how comfortable they will be during treatment. Here, our Surrey orthodontists provide some insight into why Invisalign may hurt and how to relieve the pain.

Why does Invisalign hurt?

You may experience pain or discomfort with Invisalign for a few reasons. It can be common for those just beginning their teeth straightening journey. Some of the typical reasons for Invisalign pain include:

  • Pressure on your teeth as they move
  • When first starting treatment or after switching to your next set of aligners
  • Aligners with rough or sharp edges (Let your orthodontist know. They can help)

How long does Invisalign hurt?

While not everyone will experience pain with Invisalign, many patients might feel discomfort when they first put in their aligners. This feeling usually passes within the first week.

Because you will change to a new set of aligners every two weeks, you may have a few days of discomfort right after the switch. However, these symptoms may ease up as you get used to wearing your clear aligners.

Does Invisalign hurt more than braces?

There might be some discomfort with both Invisalign and traditional braces. This is actually a good sign, as it means that your orthodontic treatment is working and your teeth are shifting.

Many patients find this worth it to help achieve a straighter, healthier smile.

When is the pain a concern?

While mild discomfort can be expected, severe pain that impacts your quality of life is not normal.

You should reach out to your orthodontist right away if you experience:

  • Pain while eating
  • Facial swelling
  • Bleeding teeth or gums
  • Hot and cold sensitivity

How to Deal With Invisalign Pain

While the pain, with Invisalign, does relieve itself after a few days, it can be uncomfortable, and you may want to find ways to help relieve it.

Here are some of the common solutions to help you feel more comfortable during your treatment with Invisalign:

Try Dental Wax

Dental wax can help ease the pain of orthodontic treatment by creating a soft layer between your orthodontic device and the soft tissues of your mouth. To reduce friction, you will simply apply the wax over the top of your aligners (or braces).

Eat Soft Foods

You may want to avoid hard or chewy foods when you first begin treatment with Invisalign. Mincing meat can make chewing easier, and you may want to try making a smoothie with your fruits and veggies. You may want to avoid foods like pizza and popcorn during the first week. These foods should be avoided entirely if you have traditional braces, as they can cause pain and damage them.

Apply a Cold Compress

A cold compress is an ice pack wrapped in a towel or a washcloth, applied to the area around your mouth to reduce pain. This technique can quickly provide relief, allowing you to relax for a few hours.

Keep Your Aligners In

Invisalign clear aligners should be worn for at least 22 hours each day. They should only be removed for eating, drinking and oral hygiene. Leaving them in as often as possible can help you adjust to the pain quickly.

Put In Your New Set of Aligners Before Bed

When you switch to your new aligners before bedtime, you can allow the worst of the pain to occur while you are sleeping. This can make it easier for you once the daytime rolls around.

Don't Use Hot Water for Cleaning

Hot water can warp and damage your aligners. If their shape changes, they will no longer fit snuggly over your teeth, and some areas may protrude into your soft tissues.

Over-the-Counter Pain-killers

If the pain is making it difficult to cope, you can try an over-the-counter pain medication. You should always consult a doctor before taking any medicines, especially if you are on other medicines or have other medical conditions.

Speak With Your Orthodontist

If you have tried everything listed above and you still experience pain, you can speak with your orthodontist. They will be able to provide you with more suggestions and may examine your teeth to see if there is a specific cause that can be addressed.

When should you see an orthodontist?

Throughout your treatment with Invisalign, you will visit your orthodontist every month or so for a checkup. This will ensure that your treatment is on track. You should also contact them if you are experiencing severe pain that isn't responding to the pain management technique listed above. They can help you find a solution to relieve your discomfort and treat or provide recommendations for any other issues that have arisen.

Are you looking to achieve a straighter, healthier-looking smile that you are proud to show off? Contact our Surrey orthodontists for an Invisalign consultation.

Book your first consultation today with our experienced Orthodontists in Surrey.