The Benefits of Invisalign
The prospect of the aesthetic issues that come along with wearing braces can be a bit disheartening for both teens and adults. With Invisalign, you can straighten your teeth without that obvious ‘braces’ look.
The prospect of the aesthetic issues that come along with wearing braces can be a bit disheartening for both teens and adults. With Invisalign, you can straighten your teeth without that obvious ‘braces’ look.
Now and then, we like to share books and other media related to wearing braces, and orthodontics in general. This week, we’re excited to share the fun and interactive ‘The Braces Journal’ by Dan Price.
For our Surrey patients with braces, there are few pieces of equipment more important than a sports mouth guard.
Thumb sucking is a perfectly natural and healthy behaviour in small children, but if a children continues to suck his or her thumb when the permanent teeth start growing in, they may be a risk of developing teeth misalignment.
When you visit Guildford Orthodontic Centre in Surrey for the first time, the orthodontic assistant will be one of the first people you’ll meet.
TADs (Temporary Anchorage Devices) will sometimes be used as part of an orthodontic treatment plan to help make the tooth movement process go more quickly and comfortably.
Most people think of children and teens when they think of orthodontic treatment. But more and more often these days, adults are getting braces, and they have their own set of unique challenges to go with their orthodontic treatment.
During your orthodontic treatment, you'll attend adjustment appointments at our office, during which we'll adjust your braces. This is a necessary part of your treatment and should not be put off.
Tongue thrusting (also called reverse swallowing or immature swallow) is an orofacial muscular imbalance that causes the tongue to protrude through the anterior incisors during speech, swallowing, and in some cases when the tongue is at rest. It can cause serious orthodontic problems if unaddressed.
Since you’re in it for the long haul with your braces, you might as well add your own unique touch with a little colour!
Book your complimentary consultation with our experienced Orthodontists in Surrey.