How Long Do I Have to Wear My Retainer?
Many of our patients are a little dismayed to learn that they will have to wear a retainer after their braces treatment is complete. Here’s some information about retainers, and how long they should be worn.
Many of our patients are a little dismayed to learn that they will have to wear a retainer after their braces treatment is complete. Here’s some information about retainers, and how long they should be worn.
Our patients aren't always aware of how much their approach and choices during their orthodontic treatment can have an impact on the final outcome, and on on how long it takes and their level of comfort during the process.
When you or a family member has braces, it can sometimes make meal planning a bit difficult. Here are 5 delicious and braces-friendly dinner ideas that will appeal to children and adults alike!
The healthy development of baby teeth is an essential part of the healthy development of your child’s mouth. Taking care of baby teeth now may help prevent the need for braces later on.
'Surviving Braces' by Jennifer Webb is a wonderful guide and resource for those going through orthodontic treatment. Inside you'll find lots of tips, ideas, advice, and recipes to help make your braces journey go as smoothly as possible.
Palatal expanders are orthodontic appliances that are used widen the upper jaw (the maxilla) in children, so that the upper teeth fit together with the bottom ones properly.
This week, we’re sharing ‘Smile’ a graphic novel by Raina Telgemeier, which is all about the challenges of being a middle schooler going through orthodontic treatment.
The day has finally arrived: your braces are coming off! But just when you thought your orthodontic treatment was over, your orthodontist tells you your not quite done yet; you need to wear a retainer.
Although malocclusion is not entirely predictable, and is not necessarily avoidable, a combination of regular dental checkups and early orthodontic evaluation and treatment can help your child avoid needing treatment in the future.
Malocclusion is a misalignment of the teeth. It can result in many serious oral health issues, and is generally caused by a combination of inherited and behavioural factors.
Book your complimentary consultation with our experienced Orthodontists in Surrey.