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If you have braces, playing sports can be dangerous. At Guildford Orthodontic Centre, we recommend a protective mouthguard for all sports.

Having braces should not stop you from having fun playing the sports you love. You just have to take extra precautions to protect your orthodontic appliances. Their presence in your mouth can cause a lot of damage if you get hit in the face in any way, and they can be expensive to fix, too.

Mouth Guards

Protecting your smile during sports is essential when it comes to staying on track with your orthodontic treatment.

If you play sports, it's important that you consult us for special precautions.

A protective mouthguard is advised for playing contact sports, to protect from potential injury. With the use of an orthodontic mouthguard, practically any contact sport can be played with braces.

Even if you play a sport with light or no contact, a mouthguard is still a good idea if you have braces, because physical activity always comes with an increased risk of injury.

While you can play almost any sport with braces, we do recommend you avoid participating in sports where you're sure to get hit in the face, like boxing, and certain types of martial arts.

In Case of Emergency

In case of any accident involving the face, check your mouth and the appliances immediately. If teeth are loosened or the appliances damaged, phone at once for an appointment.

In the meantime, treat your discomfort as you would treat any general soreness. >> Learn More about orthodontic emergencies

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